Call Secretary : +44 (0) 20 99994888 Email: [email protected]
Our Services
Patients and Visits
When you first arrive at the clinic, one of the clinic nurses will check your height, weight and blood pressure and ask you to provide a urine sample.
Various questions about lifestyle, medications, medical history, and your family history will be asked. It is helpful if you could find out some information about your family history before you come to see us. A clinical examination will be carried out. You may be asked to then go to have a blood test (if appropriate).
9am-12 noon- outpatient clinics
1pm- 4pm Health screening (CVD risk factors)
Private appointments can be fixed at the below Locations to see Prof Devaki Nair
Royal Free Hospital
Contact information
Royal Free Private patient unit
Secretary: Mrs Doreen Ansong
phone number
999 Medical centre
020 8455 9939
[email protected]
Referal Information
– Complex dyslipidaemias: (including genetic forms) Patients who require a differential diagnosis of a lipoprotein disorder and some determination of the genetic and lifestyle roles including recommended therapy.
– Complex therapy: Where two or more lipid lowering therapy including injectable lipid lowering therapy -PCSK9 inhibitors are required.
– Patients who have been resistant, intolerant or unresponsive to prior and/or current therapy
– Very high-risk patients (e.g., 10-year CHD risk > 30%) where time-to-goal is paramount.
– Raised cholesterol levels
– Raised triglyceride levels
– Raised lipoprotein (a)
– Family history of heart disease before the age of 60
– When statin is not tolerated
– When additional injectable therapy for raised cholesterol is indicated
We accept referrals from a general practitioner, a hospital doctor or a self- referral.
Our Treatments
Familial hypercholesterolaemia is a genetic disorder characterised by high cholesterol levels. It is caused by an abnormal gene passed on from your parents. This faulty gene results in exceptionally high cholesterol levels that are present from birth and continue throughout life. If left untreated, it can lead to a greater risk of developing heart disease, which could mean having a heart attack at an earlier age. Affected and untreated men have a greater than 50% risk of coronary heart disease by the age of 50 years, and affected women have a greater than 30% by the age of 60.
This cholesterol disorder is surprisingly common and many people with it are undiagnosed. Only 15,000 cases are known out of 120,000 people who may have the disease. Early identification leads to better care and outcomes. Patients with this disorder can attend this lipid clinic.
This is another type of blood fat disorder.
There is evidence that these blood fats can aggravate the cardiovascular disease in association with raised cholesterol levels.
At high levels of more than 10mmol/L, it can lead to a more fatal condition like pancreatitis.
We provide the support for managing these conditions by providing access to specialist testing, including genetic testing in appropriate cases and appropriate management.
Hyperlipidaemia can be as a result of an inherited disorder that affects the metabolism or proteins in the body associated with abnormally high cholesterol or another form of blood fat called triglycerides. We are specialised in the treatment of these disorders, which is commonly caused by a mix of genetic and environmental factors. The major conditions that are managed are below
Lipids comprise various types of fatty substances such as cholesterol and triglycerides which occur naturally in the body and form part of the building blocks that make up our cells and protect our nerves.
When lipid levels in the blood exceed normal levels, this can lead to problems such as heart disease. High cholesterol and triglycerides can be caused by poor lifestyle choices, genetic conditions or medical problems such as diabetes.
Treatment is generally a combination of medications like statin that reduce cholesterol with some lifestyle intervention.
Triglycerides are a form of dietary fat found in meats, dairy produce and cooking oils, but the liver also makes triglycerides.
Whether they come from the digestion of foods or from the liver, triglycerides are used for one of two purposes. They may be taken up by cells and tissues and used for energy, or they may be stored as fat.
After eating a meal, the blood is rich in triglycerides. It usually takes a few hours for triglyceride levels to return to normal.
Treatment for slightly raised triglycerides is often with statin therapy (depending on overall risk of developing cardiovascular disease. High levels can normally be reduced by dietary intervention and/or drug treatments.
Research and Development
We have extensive experience in using innovative injectable therapy for reducing cholesterol and triglycerides, these injectable therapies include (Evolocumab, Alirocumab and Inclisiran). These are available through private prescription from the clinic for eligible patients.
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